Tag: hispanics on film

All Downhill After “Out of Sight”

Congratulations to Odyssey99 and Lupe G., who won passes to see The Boy Next Door, the new movie starring Jennifer Lopez.


To be honest, the movie doesn’t look so great from the commercials. Hopefully, it will not be a career low for J. Lo.

Why, yes, I did stay up all night devising that play on words. Why do you ask?

That One Girl From Down the Block

Who doesn’t love J. Lo? Well, besides her many ex’s and those women who are jealous of her gluteus maximus.

Unless you’re in one of those two groups, you’re no doubt open to seeing her new movie, The Boy Next Door.

Boy Next Door, The

I’m offering you the chance to win passes to a screening of the film, which is about “a love affair that turns into a horrifying obsession,” to quote my sources.

You can catch it in one of the following cities:



Los Angeles


New York City


All you have to do is comment on one of my posts (including this one) about anything you please. Just make sure to tell me what city you plan to see the movie in, and tell me what names (up to two people) I should put on the guest list.

I’ll announce the contest winners in the next week or so.

By the way, did you know Jennifer Lopez is a forty-something mom of twins but still appears scantily clad in music videos? That’s either inspiring or depressing. I will let you decide.


I’d Like to Thank the Academy

I’ve written before about the poor representation of Latinos at the Oscars, and in the world of cinema in general.

So I was pleased to find out that the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (the people who hand out the little gold men) have recently decided to get on the Latino bandwagon and throw open the doors to more Hispanics.

The Academy just released its list of new members, and of the 276 additional people who will get to vote on Best Picture, there are 22 Latinos.

Among the new members are Jennifer Lopez, Rosario Dawson, Michael Pena, and, yes, Danny Trejo.


That’s right, Machete himself is now a member of the Academy.

How cool is that?


Then Again, He Did Date Jennifer Lopez

I’m happy to announce that Lucy in Dallas has won the contest for passes to see the upcoming Ben Affleck movie Argo.

With hope, Lucy in Dallas will report back to us and let us know if Affleck is indeed playing a Latino in this movie (his character’s name is Mendez). If so, we’ll have a debate on what that’s all about.

I mean, he doesn’t look like a Mendez to me…


Secret Mission

Changes are coming to the way we do business here at Hispanic Fanatic world headquarters. Before I get into all that, however, let’s squeeze in another movie contest.

All you have to do is comment on one of my posts (including this one) and you’ll be entered for the chance to win passes to the upcoming Ben Affleck movie Argo, which will be screened in the following cities:


Dallas, TX

El Paso, TX

Houston, TX

Los Angeles, CA

McAllen, TX

Miami, FL

Phoenix, AZ

San Antonio, TX

San Jose, CA


Based on true events, Argo is about a life-or-death covert operation to rescue six Americans during the Iran hostage crisis in 1979. And best of all, the lead character has a Latino name (Mendez)!

If you win, I’ll email you the passes. By the way, I won’t make your contact info public, so don’t worry about that.

I’ll announce the contest winners in the next week or so. In the meantime, let’s get those comments flying.


Popcorn and Pot

I’m happy to announce that we have a winner to last week’s contest. Lana L. of Miami is the lucky recipient of passes to see Savages.

The film is about some California guys who run into trouble with a Mexican drug cartel. There will be numerous glaring and menacing Hispanics in it, I’m sure, and probably a few giggling and/or paranoid white people too.

With hope, Lana L. will comment back and let us know if there are any positive portrayals of Latinos in it. But at the very least, I’m sure Salma Hayek will look great on the big screen, as always.

Thanks to everybody who commented.


Who You Calling a Savage?

So here’s a shot of a few exceptionally talented and rather good-looking Latinos.

The occasion is the release of the new Oliver Stone movie Savages, which features the quartet of Benecio Del Toro, Salma Hayek, Demian Bichir, and Sandra Echeverria, seen above. There’s some guy named Travolta in it too.

To celebrate the fact that so many Hispanics are appearing together in one film, I’m offering you fine readers the chance to win free tickets to see the movie in one of the following cities:




El Paso

Los Angeles


New York City



San Diego


The film is about a pair of California dudes who create some kick-ass marijuana, but then get in over their heads when the drug cartels want in on the action. Apparently, the film escalates into “a series of increasingly vicious ploys and maneuvers in a high-stakes, savage battle of wills.” And I’m betting that there is at least one joke about having the munchies.

All you have to do is comment on one of my posts (including this one) and you’ll be entered for the chance to win free passes to the film. Once again, your comment can be about anything. The only thing you have to include in your comment is the city in which you intend to see the movie, so I can plan accordingly.

If you win, I’ll email the passes to you. By the way, I’m the sole person who will see your email addresses (unless you specifically want to share it in the body of your comment), so don’t worry about that.

I’ll announce the contest winners in the next week or so.

So get to commenting, and good luck.


Black Hats

So I recently watched the horror-comedy Attack the Block, a British movie about an alien invasion of the inner-city projects. Yes, it’s as preposterous as it sounds, and while far from brilliant, it’s a fun ninety minutes.

However, I made a classic internet mistake after I saw the movie: I read other people’s comments on the film.

To continue reading this post, please click here.

Very Superstitious

We Latinos love our horror movies.

If there are shrieking demons, knife-wielding maniacs, or bloodthirsty poltergeists up on the screen, there are probably lots of Hispanics watching it.

To continue reading this post, please click here.

A Post for the Ladies

The nicest thing my mother-in-law has ever said to me is, “In a certain light, you kind of, a little bit, resemble Johnny Depp.”

Now, even a straight man like me knows that it’s a compliment to be compared, however vaguely, to this guy. Sure, he’s a talented actor, but what he’s best known for is being the uber-hunky male of so many women’s dreams. Even the tough-as-nails Bitca has been known to swoon if she catches a glimpse of Mr. Depp’s visage.

To continue reading this post, please click here.

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