Let me thank Sanguinity for commenting on my post “It’s Not All About the Music.” I’m grateful whenever someone provides an intellectual, well-researched point to one of my flippant asides. Thanks as well to Juhem, who stumbled upon the site and is inexplicably coming back for more. And here’s some more thanks to Ankhesen for her always great comments.
As a supplement to my previous post about the U.S. Census, I have yet another demographic factoid to amaze and impress you… or alarm and disgust you, depending upon your impression of Latinos.
According to MSNBC, this year could be “the ‘tipping point’ when the number of babies born to minorities outnumbers that of babies born to whites. The numbers are growing because immigration to the U.S. has boosted the number of Hispanic women in their prime childbearing years.”
That’s right: childbearing Latinas are the biggest threat to white supremacy. If demographers are correct, 2015 will be the first kindergarten class in which white kids are outnumbered by Hispanic, black, and Asian children.
Leading the charge will be Latino babies. Well, strictly speaking, they can’t charge. Come on, they can’t even walk. But you know what I’m saying.
As we all know, whites are projected to become the minority circa 2050. For that projection to hold, it stands to reason that minority babies will become more numerous right around… now… actually, now. Yes, it just happened.
Mark your calendars.
April 11th, 2010 on 6:25 pm
¡La bienvenida, nueva mayoría!
April 12th, 2010 on 7:35 pm
Diversity and variety form part of one of our basic human needs. The world is changing right before our eyes and we should embrace the fact that we can share the benefits of our nation. Hay que aceptar y abrazar el nuevo rostro de nuestro país, que se constuye no sólo con gente parecida, sino también con una mezcla mágica de culturas que no se ve en otro país del mundo. Es una época de cambio constante y es la hora de que nos acostumbremos. ¡Gracias por el cuento!
April 17th, 2010 on 5:12 pm
@ Steven
Sí, sí…*nods* concuerdo incondicionalmente.
April 18th, 2010 on 8:18 pm
Hurray! Now all we need to do is start GRILLING them (I’m all for starting while they’re still in the womb) with how to be active, politicized, and ready to take the POWER from the white people as well as the numbers.
November 4th, 2010 on 6:33 am
Gracias por los comentarios. Muy buen sitio, suerte!