Archive for January, 2025

A Fair Assessment

It might shock you to know that this site is not a big money maker. Considering that I run no ads, don’t charge a subscription fee, and don’t hawk anything other than my books, it would indeed be mystifying if I were pulling in the big bucks.

It’s also no surprise to find out that that I do not come from money. I was raised by a single mom, an immigrant from El Salvador, and I grew up in a blue-collar town in America’s heartland. No, there were not a lot of trust-fund kids in my crowd.

So I make my living by writing economic content and business analysis. This week, I was called into an emergency meeting to discuss Trump’s plan to pause all federal funding

Nobody, including people who work in the White House, seemed to know what this latest dashed-off order actually meant. What functions and organizations were getting their funding cut off? Was this effective immediately? How long of a pause are we talking about here? Are Republicans trying to kill people or are they just morons indifferent to the consequences of their ill-conceived actions? OK, that last question was mine, and I kept it to myself, but I’m sure other people were thinking it.

And please note that this meeting didn’t even cover Trump’s sociopathic attack on immigrants, belligerent threats to allies, bellicose threats of revenge, and bizarre indifference to people dying in plane crashes.

Yes, we are not even two weeks into the Trumpian Era’s encore, but we are overwhelmed. We are subsumed under a nonstop deluge of hatred, ignorance, childish foot stomping, and random cruelty. Any attempt to keep up with the cascading imbecility is both nauseating and futile. The sludge is rising and threatening to drown us.

During this business meeting, a friend of mine muttered an aside. She was likely talking about the crushing amount of work being flung at us. Or perhaps she was assessing the frazzled state of America under Trump. Or maybe she was just summing up what we all feel about our 21st-century existences.

“This is no way to live,” she said.

I can’t say that she was wrong.

The Madness Begins

I gave the following prompt to an AI image generator:

“A flag for the new nation that has turned from democracy to authoritarian kakistocracy.”

This is what it came up with:

In honor of our new administration, allow me to quote from the historian Heather Cox Richardson at length:

The vision of the U.S. as a hellscape that can only be fixed by purging the government of Democrats does not reflect reality.

The country that President Joe Biden and his Democratic administration will leave behind when they leave office is in the best shape it’s been in since at least 2000.

No U.S. troops are fighting in foreign wars, murders have plummeted, deaths from drug overdoses have dropped sharply, undocumented immigration is below where it was when Trump left office, stocks have just had their best two years since the last century. The economy is growing, real wages are rising, inflation has fallen to close to its normal range, unemployment is at near-historic lows, and energy production is at historic highs. The economy has added more than 700,000 manufacturing jobs among the 16 million total created since 2020.

The chief economist of Moody’s Analytics says, “President Trump is inheriting an economy that is about as good as it ever gets.”

Let’s see what Trump does with all this.


As I mentioned last week, I reside in Los Angeles, and we are currently living through a full-on cataclysm. 

Last week, my family and I checked into a hotel near Disneyland (the ultimate indignity) because the air quality in our neighborhood was so bad. It was also a precaution to avoid waking up to a house on fire.

We’re back home now, and our place is intact. But we know people who were not so fortunate.

One of my friends lost her house to the Altadena fire. When I asked how she was holding up, she responded, “All I know is that dry January can fuck right off.”

Indeed, this is a time for heavy drinking in LA.

It is not, however, a time to play politics, but we’re Americans, so of course that is exactly what we will do.

Our good friends in the GOP are threatening to withhold federal aid unless we all agree to become Republicans. They also want to teach us a lesson, and are openly questioning whether we “deserve” assistance.

This is what debauched inhumanity looks like.

It also hypocritical, because the federal government has never placed conditions on disaster aid for red states. And let’s not forget that for decades now, California has been “literally subsidizing the rest of the United States, red states in particular, through the federal budget.”

We can also question the religious bone fides of those Christians who revel in the death and destruction afflicting America’s second-largest city. Hey, it’s what Jesus would have done, right?

There is also the fact that our president-elect and his unelected billionaire sidekick are spewing conspiracy theories, blatant lies, and idiotic proposals at a speed faster than any wildfire. That always helps.

And if anyone wonders whether conservatives are making even the slightest attempt to distance themselves from the bigotry that has long defined the Republican Party, we have right-wingers shrieking about lesbians, black people, and DEI all causing the fires. Apparently, these are more foundational causes for a natural disaster than climate change, which as we all know, doesn’t even exist. Nope.

Now, there have been legitimate questions about how prepared California’s leaders were for this inevitability. Because I’m not in a cult, I’m willing to criticize Democrats if they indeed messed up (we need more information to be sure about that). 

But I find it ironic that conservatives are questioning the competence of Democratic leaders. After all, Trump’s response to the Covid pandemic was so abysmal, clownishly inept, and homicidal that whole libraries could be devoted to the books that will inevitably be written about his administration’s incompetence. This is a glaringly obvious glass-houses situation.

But then again, nobody even remembers Covid. It’s like the January 6 attacks on the Capitol. Neither one of them ever happened.

In any case, LA’s firefighters — yes, even the gay and black ones — will continue to battle the inferno. After the fires are extinguished, the city will rebuild.

And I’m sure Republicans will be focused on recovery, solutions, and moving forward.

Or they’ll continue complaining about, I don’t know, people communicating in sign language or something equally insane.

Yes, you can count on the GOP to keep things in perspective.

Scorched Earth

I live in Los Angeles. Right now, all my time is spent watching the sky for embers and making sure we have plenty of masks left over from the pandemic to ensure going outside doesn’t mean inhaling acrid carcinogens.

So consider this an unplanned break from posting. With luck, my house will not burn down, and I will write something next week.


Year of the Oligarch

If only there were some kind of image that served as an instant metaphor for 2025.

Oh well, maybe something will lend itself.

In any case, this year has started with two political developments that were completely predictable to anyone who has paid the smallest bit of attention to America over this past hellish decade.

First, there is the bitchy, snippy caterwauling erupting between MAGA extremists and smug billionaires. When your political party consists of factions that have nothing in common other than a hatred of liberals, it is inevitable that disagreements will arise. But when those factions are led by power-hungry lunatics who default to hostility and anger, it is even more inevitable that they will turn on one another. These are people who kamikaze anyone who is not in lockstep with their narcissistic vision, and whose main method of communication is threatening violence.

Did anybody seriously think they were going to play well with one another?

The second predictable development is that our beloved president-elect, who was born into excessive privilege and despises the lower classes that worship him, would side with his wealthy peers over the riff raff. Come on, the guy doesn’t need their votes anymore. And he is always going to support those who can help him secure power. 

So did anyone believe he would diss the world’s richest man, who bankrolled his campaign and holds an absurd amount of political and social power, in favor of a horde of random xenophobes who have little money and even less influence?

Of course, the dawning realization of the MAGA faithful that their messianic leader will do nothing to help them is likely to be a slow ordeal. But at some point, they will see him golfing with his rich buddies, leading his cabinet of billionaires (the wealthiest presidential administration of all time) in discussions of how to enrich themselves, and hording even more of the country’s resources for the one-tenth of one percent.

And they will wonder, “Hey, when is he finally going to help me afford health care?”

Who wants to tell them the answer?

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