
Hispanic Hiatus

First, let me give belated thanks to Melissa for commenting on my post “It’s Much Prettier in Spanish.” She displays sound logic when it comes to learning a foreign language. Also, thanks to Angelina (!) for posting a reply to “Becoming a Trendsetter,” although the Fanatic ever so mildly suspects that she allowed sarcasm to infiltrate her comment.

Second, let me apologize. Because of my travel schedule and various personal commitments (always a cryptic term), I will be unable to post new entries for about a week. It will hopefully be sooner than that, but I want to guess on the long side so people don’t say, “Look how many days have passed without an update; I knew he’d burn out on this blog thing quickly.” We can’t have that, so save your hate emails and angry comments, because I’ll have something fresh by this time next week.

In the meantime, here is a completely unrelated video of a dog licking peanut butter to keep you entertained until I get back.

A point of clarification

I have to thank Keg, both for commenting on my post “I Have Not Been to the Mountain,” and for pointing out an obvious error in my writing.

In that post, I bemoaned the lack of Latino icons. I should have specified, however, that I was talking about the dearth of positive or uplifting leaders. After all, there are plenty of negative Hispanic icons. So I should have been clearer about that.

There’s a larger issue, however, which is that I didn’t make it clear that my focus is on Hispanics in the United States rather than in Latin America. This goes beyond that individual post. Indeed, the whole point of this blog is to discuss Latino life in the United States. If you notice, I spend very little time addressing what takes place in foreign countries (an exception is my post about the Argentinean duende, which still had a tangential relationship to American issues and was just too damn funny to pass on).

So I thank her for forcing me to hone my writing. And while we’re at it, I want to point out that I’m still getting a handle on this blog (now in its third month) and its parameters. Right now, I’m leaning toward emphasizing bigger issues that can be explored in longer posts, or more autobiographical entries that (hopefully) illustrate some larger themes. This means I’ll have fewer conversational posts about fast-breaking issues, but you can get that anywhere (notice that I skipped commenting on this week’s immigration-reform protest marches).

I remain curious about how this blog is developing. Once again, your feedback is always welcome. Well, maybe not always – let’s not get carried away – but feel free to post a reply.

Otherwise, stay tuned for more rants and profanity.


But Enough About You

In the interest of maintaining a connection with readers of this blog (or at the very least, creating the illusion of one), I’m posting my responses to one of those cheesy “getting to know you” mass emails that inundate our inboxes. Despite my disdain for such chain-letter methods of communication, perhaps there are a few insights to be gleaned from my answers these queries. I’m supplying just a few choice responses:

3. What did you have for breakfast?

A power bar

6. Any piercings?


7. Eye color:

Latino brown

8. Place of birth:

New York City. Although I am proud to be a Midwest guy, part of me will always consider NYC a sort of spiritual home. And it has the best pizza in the world.

9. Favorite food:

Pizza. See above.

12. What is your favorite CD at the moment?

This implies that I still listen to CDs, rather than furiously downloading stray songs from my youth off the internet. I am building massive playlist upon playlist, stuffed with one-hit wonders and obscure tunes that let me know that Gen X still breathes.

14. What kind of car do you drive?

A 10-year-old economy model that is, even as I type this, plotting a new hemorrhage or dropping a vital component or sighing into general obsolescence.

16. Ever been to Africa?

Not yet

17. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go?


20. Favorite brand of clothing?

Have we become so consumerist that we identify with the companies behind our cheap jeans and our tattered jackets and our t-shirts baring ironic slogans, all in the vain hope that it says something about us? Sorry, but I don’t even know who makes my shoes.

21. Where would you like to retire?

Santa Barbara, California

22. Favorite time of day?

8:58 pm, but I don’t know why.

24. Favorite sport to watch?


25. What fabric detergent do you use?

Once again, who has such immutable brand loyalty that they have a favorite detergent? That’s just obsessive-compulsive.

26. What characteristic do you despise?

Irresponsibility, which can take several forms. Basically, do what you say you’re going to do. I’m especially pissed if I’m the irresponsible one.

28. Ever been toilet papering?


30. Been in a car accident?

Four times, including recently. Although only one was my fault, and that was twenty years ago. Really, you can look it up.

33. Favorite restaurant:

Imperial Pizza in Manhattan.

37. Favorite drink:

Wine, which may be a bourgeois answer, but there it is. For the record, I’m also quite fond of beer, so don’t revoke my common-man cred just yet.

42. Which store would you max out your credit card?

The consumerist orientation of this chain-mail continues unabated.

43 What do you most often when you are bored?

I have not been bored since 1985, and I have no plans to ever be bored again.

44. Bedtime:

Between 10 pm and 2 am.

47. Favorite TV show:

Twin Peaks. This was easily the greatest show in the history of television, even though it ran for only thirty episodes. It was just too beautiful to live, I guess.

48. Last person you went out to dinner with:

My lovely and patient wife.

50. What are you listening to right now?

The hum of the computer, which is a cross between a soothing drone and an angry buzz. Either way, the haunting sound has something profound to do with my mortality.

51. What is your favorite color?

Arterial-blood red

52. Lake, ocean or river?


53. How many tattoos do you have?


The Man Behind the Curtain

Many thanks to RUG for posting to “If This Is Wednesday…” I must admit that I had not heard about this “game” that she identifies. I appreciate the info and her observations.

Otherwise, I’ve recently discovered another limitation of this template (I really should start hacking my own code). My link to the “About the Author” section doesn’t display properly. Therefore, until I change templates or create my own, let me just paste this information in so you can see it:

So who is the Hispanic Fanatic?

Simply put, he has an IQ of 380, the strength of twelve men, and can change the seasons just by waving his hand. Despite these powers, however, he remains a struggling writer.

For the demographically interested, the Hispanic Fanatic is a Latino male in his late thirties. He lives in a Midwestern city, where he works as a business writer. He was raised in another Midwestern city, but he has also lived in New York and California. He and his wife own a house where two cats and a dog call the shots.

He blogs because he must.


Due to numerous fiery complaints (ok, two casual criticisms), I’m going to clarify an issue with the blog. The “Comments” section is too miniscule to be accessed easily. However, I do not have a burning desire to spend hours creating row upon row of HTML, so I’m sticking with this template. Oh, those wacky Hispanics and their technological limitations.

So if you ever want to reply to one of my observations, simply scroll to the bottom of the post and click on the tiny word “Comments.” This will also allow you to see what other people have written.

Speaking of which, I thank Don for offering the first official comment and for backing up my noble intentions. Props to you, sir!

RUG had kind words for the Fanatic, which I appreciate. And she had fresh observations of her own. Most cool.

L John presented two comments, and Lori asked a direct question. So I’ll go ahead and answer those in the next post.


Welcome to the Hispanic Fanatic. 

As the title of this blog implies, I am a Latino writer. Although Hispanics are the largest ethnic minority in the United States (it’s true) our online presence is so scant that it appears I am one of 14 brown people who actually own a computer. As such, I am a default expert on all things Hispanic – even though I’m part Italian and Irish, my Spanish sucks, and I live in the Anglo-dominated Midwest.

Still, it is my hope that I can offer a few insights into what it means to be a member of the dreaded Brown Invasion. I do not claim that my opinions are definitive for all Hispanics. Furthermore, I am not an expert in sociology, nor do I have the resources to dig up obscure data to boggle your mind into catatonia. These are simply my opinions, formed by personal experience and (one hopes) a modicum of rational thought.

The point of the blog is simple: I will note my thoughts on a wide range of subjects that have to do with the Hispanic experience in America. In turn, you are free to become illuminated to such an intense degree that you fairly glow, or you can post responses that detail how astonishingly ignorant my reckless insights are. I prefer the former.

The rules for the blog are lax. Vulgarity and profanity are allowed, perhaps encouraged at times and, depending on the topic, may even be required. However, personal attacks, whether upon your gracious host or your fellow guests, will not be dignified with responses and deleted as soon as possible. In essence, ranting and raving is fine, but let’s try to have a coherent point somewhere in there, people.

Because this is very much a work in progress, I’m still experimenting with content and layout. My plan is to post several times a week, so check back often. I intend to write about the big political subjects as well as offer personal observations on anything that has to do with Latino culture or societal trends. I will also present anecdotes and the occasional profile of family or friends (many of whom are actual Hispanics!). And of course, there will be linking to relevant news stories or clips. Who knows, maybe I’ll post a bad poem or two before I’m done.

In any case, I invite you to read my posts and respond with your thoughts if you like. I know I’m curious about where this is going, so let’s get started.

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