Tag: billionaires

Year of the Oligarch

If only there were some kind of image that served as an instant metaphor for 2025.

Oh well, maybe something will lend itself.

In any case, this year has started with two political developments that were completely predictable to anyone who has paid the smallest bit of attention to America over this past hellish decade.

First, there is the bitchy, snippy caterwauling erupting between MAGA extremists and smug billionaires. When your political party consists of factions that have nothing in common other than a hatred of liberals, it is inevitable that disagreements will arise. But when those factions are led by power-hungry lunatics who default to hostility and anger, it is even more inevitable that they will turn on one another. These are people who kamikaze anyone who is not in lockstep with their narcissistic vision, and whose main method of communication is threatening violence.

Did anybody seriously think they were going to play well with one another?

The second predictable development is that our beloved president-elect, who was born into excessive privilege and despises the lower classes that worship him, would side with his wealthy peers over the riff raff. Come on, the guy doesn’t need their votes anymore. And he is always going to support those who can help him secure power. 

So did anyone believe he would diss the world’s richest man, who bankrolled his campaign and holds an absurd amount of political and social power, in favor of a horde of random xenophobes who have little money and even less influence?

Of course, the dawning realization of the MAGA faithful that their messianic leader will do nothing to help them is likely to be a slow ordeal. But at some point, they will see him golfing with his rich buddies, leading his cabinet of billionaires (the wealthiest presidential administration of all time) in discussions of how to enrich themselves, and hording even more of the country’s resources for the one-tenth of one percent.

And they will wonder, “Hey, when is he finally going to help me afford health care?”

Who wants to tell them the answer?

Out of Your Mouth

It is, perhaps, the most pathetic attempt in a long line of pathetic attempts to distract from the president’s colossal failures and massive corruption.

I’m talking about the right wing’s frenzied, frantic endeavor to get you to focus on the tragic death of Mollie Tibbetts, a young white woman who was allegedly murdered by — and I bet this is the first you’re hearing about it — an undocumented Latino.

The grotesque individual who killed Tibbetts supplied the perfect imagery for the Republican Party, which wantsvoters to believe they’re living in a horror movie” as part of their plan for avoiding disaster in the midterm elections. You see, “it is no accident that a president whose supporters are overwhelmingly white and less educated, who tend to live among other whites, are being targeted” and motivated to vote Republican based “on fears of the other and the unknown.”

I mean, what else are they going to run on? An unpopular president in legal jeopardy, a tax cut for billionaires, and a total lack of progress on health care, the opioid crisis, and the fabled wall with Mexico are not very compelling highlights.

So instead we have GOP leaders publicly admitting that they want to make Tibbetts’ murder a midterms issue.

And yes, this is the very same political party that insists any talk about gun control after a mass shooting is “politicizing” tragedy (by the way, there was another mass shooting just this week).

However, the opportunistic xenophobia of conservatives has disgusted Tibbetts’ family, which has called out the racist fear-mongering and callus exploitation of their agony. It has prompted at least one family member to tell right-wingers to “keep her name out of your mouth.”

But of course, Trump and his enablers are not going to allow little things like overt racism, blatant hypocrisy, and a devastated family’s loss get in the way of their political playbook. They fully intend to keep insisting that undocumented immigrants are killing their way across America.

Oddly, conservatives can write whole impassioned editorials about the Tibbetts murder without once mentioning, even in passing, the well-established fact that immigrants — including undocumented ones — are substantially less likely to commit crimes than native-born Americans.

Also lost in the conservative outrage over Tibbetts’ death is the fact that the woman died because a man decided he had the right to take her — and take her life — without a moment’s hesitation. Acknowledging misogyny’s killer strain is not big with the Republican Party, which tends to appeal to men and female apologists for sexism.

However, “the truth is that any young woman like Mollie Tibbetts has a much greater chance of dying at the hands of a husband or boyfriendof any type than meeting harm at the hands of an undocumented immigrant.”

If you don’t believe me, just look at the week’s other big story about homicide. Apparently, some monstrosity in Colorado murdered his wife and two daughters — or triple the women that Tibbetts’ killer has confessed to.

But hey, at least that guy was a citizen, so I guess it’s no big deal, right?


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