Tag: Democrats

Flip Flop No No

There has been much talk — misguided, self-serving, and delusional talk but active speech nonetheless — about Kamala Harris “reaching out” to Republicans or adjusting her policies to better appeal to conservatives.

Let’s set aside the fact that asking the GOP to do this is never broached. Even in the years before the Republican Party acquiesced into lemming-like obedience to a felonious madman, it was laughable to even consider that conservatives would pull back on their antiquated, frequently obnoxious ideas just to obtain liberal sign-off.

No, it always progressives who must compromise, be civil, go high when others go low, and in general, abandon their principles.

But let’s say that Harris, for some bizarre reason, decides to do this. What exact Democratic idea should she kick to the curb? Democrats are already timid on climate change, gun control, and universal healthcare. Should Harris say, “In the spirit of compromise, I will outlaw gay marriage”? Would that be enough for conservatives?

Ha — no.

Most of the Republican Party has made it clear that they would rather burn the country down than work with groomer Satanists and the woke mob (that is, anyone who doesn’t have a MAGA tattoo inked across their chest). The hard right cannot be appeased.

The few semi-sane Republicans remaining have long ago dropped Trump, so it is unclear what mythical segment of the conservative movement would now acknowledge that the guy is a toxic, gibbering mess who is a direct threat to America. They are more than willing to go down with any ship for which he is the captain.

Pressuring Harris to kowtow to extremists who would happily imprison her is an absurd suggestion. It is also historically dubious.

For example, back in 1964, Lyndon Johnson cut a deal at the Democratic National Convention with Dixiecrats who were ostensibly in the same political party but were also raging bigots. Johnson agreed to “a compromise that would permit the seating of an all-white Mississippi delegation.”

And how did this moral abnegation work out for the Democratic Party? Well, in the 1964 election, they lost Mississippi and the rest of the Deep South. And they have continued to lose those states in every election since then, as the racist wing of the Democratic Party absconded to the GOP, where they found a cheery welcome and the foundation of a political base that endures to this day.

So backing down to lunatics didn’t help the Democrats in 1964. And it will not help them in 2024.

By the way, all those xenophobes in the modern GOP had better enjoy their cozy home. Because there is nowhere else for them to go. The political parties will not be flipping back. The Republican Party owns the bigot base for the foreseeable future.

Of course, those lunatics didn’t just self-generate, ex nihilo, when Obama was elected (although everybody knows that the nation’s first black president had a catalyzing effect on racism). No, the backlash to Obama was “really a long-running ‘whitelash’ that’s intricately woven into American history and currently targets not just black people, but any group that threatens a shifting consensus of who is American and who is not.”

Perhaps the GOP will kick out the racists and rebrand (although that won’t be happening anytime soon), or the racists will form a third party, European style. Who knows?

But for this election, at least, the right-wingers are ensconced in the GOP, and the Democratic Party gains nothing by appeasing them.

For once, the Democrats can’t afford to back down.

A Less Perfect Union

What’s behind the GOP’s Ragnarokian rage?

It’s both an excellent question and a great excuse to use the term “Ragnarokian,” which I’m pretty sure is not even a real word.

But why are conservatives so determined to destroy America unless they can reshape it into a right-wing utopia?

Well, for decades, rich jerks tried to control our political system for their own economic benefit. And while they were successful (the wealth gap is a very real thing), they needed the middle- and working-class to vote Republican to maintain this system. After myriad culture wars and made-up threats, many of those voters came to believe they are in a literal holy war against satanic progressives. 

So now we have millions of religious fundamentalists “hellbent on overthrowing democracy to impose their religious will on the American majority.” I will quote the historian Heather Cox Richardson at length here:

“In the United States, [there is] a movement of people who are willing to overthrow democracy if it means reinforcing their traditional vision. Christian nationalists believe that the secular values of democracy are destroying Christianity and traditional values. They want to get rid of LGBTQ+ rights, feminism, immigration, and the public schools they believe teach such values. And if that means handing power to a dictator who promises to restore their vision of a traditional society, they’re in. It is an astonishing rejection of everything the United States has always stood for.”

But don’t believe me and some egg-head historian. Conservative leaders have gotten up in public and shouted that they want to overthrow democracy and unleash “righteous retribution for those who betrayed America.” It doesn’t get much clearer than that.

Millions of Americans no longer believer in the Constitution, and “have no interest in the stewardship of American democracy.” Instead, these theocrats “seek to commandeer the ship of state, pillage the hold, and then crash us all onto the rocks.”

This is not a fringe movement within the Republican Party. No, the GOP threat to democracy is now systemic, and Republican leaders “tolerate or condone antidemocratic extremism because it is the path of least resistance.”

The guiding lights of the modern conservative movement are threatening violence if they don’t get their way, which consists of “restructuring the country so that the right — meaning primarily straight White men, as was the case 100 years ago — can decide how power and status are allocated.”

They want us to be like Hungary (only bigger) or Russia (only smaller).

And speaking of international trends, a recent study concluded that 71% of the world’s population currently lives in autocracies, which “constitutes a 48% increase compared to ten years ago.” And before you think despotism exists only in those sepia-toned third-world nations that provide anonymous villains for Hollywood blockbusters, please note that almost half of the population of industrialized nations “think a system in which a strong leader can make decisions without interference from parliament or the courts is a good form of government.”

That apparently includes America, where democracy is frail as it faces the onslaught of fundamentalist maniacs. 

After 250 years, it can all go away overnight.

At the Crossroads

One side offers an optimistic view of America and hope for the future. They offer coherent policies designed to improve the country.

The other side insists we are living in a hellhole dystopia. They offer only blind rage and the punishment of everyone who isn’t a straight white Christian.

This is not an oversimplification. As others have pointed out, Democrats want to give schoolkids free lunches, while Republicans want them to work in slaughterhouses and pump out babies by age 16.

Tell me that I’m getting it wrong.

There is a bizarre obsession that permeates the Republican Party. This ironclad mindset holds that government exists solely to give money to billionaires, build the largest military in the history of the world, and oppress the shit out of people who don’t genuflect at the altar of 1950s suburbia.

Conservatives view any attempt to help people — by offering affordable healthcare, improving education, or lifting individuals out of poverty — not as socialism, or even communism. According to the GOP, these endeavors are demonic and evil. Virtue is banning books, harassing trans people, jailing immigrants, and forcing women to carry dead fetuses to term. 

When one looks at the different philosophies, it’s worth asking the following; Is there anyone voting for Trump who is not an oligarch, a conspiracy nut, a Christian nationalist, or a right-winger with violent tendencies? Well, that covers much of his base, but there is another contingent of supporters. 

There are millions of Americans who are deeply unhappy with how their lives turned out. And they want someone to blame. They have found a home in the GOP, which has become a party of grievance and wrath (and straight-up weirdoes).

The energy and good vibes that the Harris/Walz ticket exudes is in direct contrast to the anger and contempt that the Trump/Vance campaign has made its hallmark. The GOP is offering literally nothing to voters other than fear and vengeance.

Aren’t we all sick of the nonstop anger?

Why not try just a little fucking optimism and basic decency this time?

Up and Running

As we know, the Affordable Care Act went into effect this month.

So-called Obamacare “is particularly critical to Latinos, who have the highest rate of being uninsured in the nation.”

Yes, about nine million more Hispanics will now be eligible for health insurance, and this thought terrifies the Republican Party, which sees nine million more voters who will think positively of the Democratic Party.

So we just had to have this shutdown nonsense, so that the GOP could stop its collective foot and scream, “Socialism!” one more time, for nostalgia’s sake.


Interestingly, many Americans blame the Democrats for this mess. While I have my own issues with the Democrats, which I’ve written about in the past, I am stumped over how this cannot be construed as a 100% GOP-manufactured crisis.

As many people have pointed out, the ACA passed Congress, was signed by the president, upheld by the Supreme Court, and put into effect. That’s the way our country works.

We don’t say, “Hey, the minority party, which overwhelmingly lost the last election, doesn’t like the law. So we have to negotiate.”

What in fuck’s name is there to negotiate?

It’s the law. Deal with it.


Another Round

So there I was, blasting away at the bull’s-eye with a .22 rifle. When I was done, I handed the gun back to its owner and wondered if I should feel exhilarated or manly or something. But I just felt indifferent.

I was fourteen, and that’s the only time I’ve ever fired a gun. In the decades since, I’ve had no desire to repeat the experience.

I don’t own a gun, a fact that aligns with a larger statistic. We Latinos are the ethnic group least likely to own a firearm. Just 18 percent of us are packing heat. In contrast, more than one-third of white people (and a sky-high 61 percent of Southern white men) are armed.

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