It’s not something to brag about, but I’ve seen Caligula, that 1970s cinematic monstrosity that is widely regarded as the most expensive porno ever made.
The film is repulsive, but it makes an impression.
One scene that I’ve never forgotten is when the mad emperor, played with wild-eyed intensity by Malcolm McDowell, saunters into a wedding celebration of one his army’s generals. Everyone is terrified to see him there, because they know he is a sociopathic lunatic. Sure enough, he rapes the bride in front of her newlywed husband, then rams his fist up the general’s ass. The whole movie is like that.
In any case, I’ve always wondered why everyone in ancient Rome, even tough military leaders, allowed Caligula to issue psychotic orders, destroy their society, and literally rape them without objection.
I don’t wonder about that anymore.
We live in a society where people with advanced degrees argue that tariffs will lead to prosperity, that white men have been unfairly excluded from leadership positions, and that European countries are bigger threats to us than Russia.
They believe this because one old man who struggles to speak in coherent sentences has insisted it’s all true, and they have fallen in line.
People who, just a year ago, would have guffawed at the idea of the United States annexing Canada are now seriously advocating for making that country the 51st state (against its will, no less).
There are several reasons for this, ranging from the infantile need to “own the libs” to the zealotry of the true MAGA believer to the conservative quest for power.
But one of the chief motivators for hardcore supporters is psychological preservation. Admitting that you are wrong, especially about something major and/or central to your identify, is incredibly disturbing for most people.
If you’ve enthusiastically supported Trump to this point, despite years of evidence that he is a menace to the nation, it’s not so easy to say, “Woopsie, I guess those libtards were right after all.”
In fact, the individuals who are most likely to admit their mistakes “tend to be empathetic, self-aware, and curious — all traits that prevent ever having voted for Trump in the first place.”
So people in red hats with Trump flags in their yard will come up with tortuous explanations for, say, administration goons who endangered national security “by chatting about a military strike in a Signal chat that included a journalist.”
Now, that’s a really crazy example, because nobody is that bafflingly stupid, right? But if this were to happen, Trump fans will not admit the administration displayed ungodly levels of incompetence and exhibited glaring hypocrisy.
Hell, they will even defend the administration for deporting their spouses rather than admit they were wrong to vote for a corrupt autocrat. Think about that — even after Trump has destroyed their lives, his devoted followers will not acknowledge that the man is anything less than perfect.
Of course, there is another reason why so many people acquiesce to Trump, and that is simple fear.
But as powerful as that emotion is, it remains in second place when it comes to subservience to Trump. Fear is not the reason why Republicans are trying to “make Trump’s birthday a federal holiday, rename Dulles Airport in Trump’s honor, carve Trump’s face on Mount Rushmore, and create a new $250 bill with Trump’s likeness.”
That’s just blind obedience. And there is a lot of it going around.